Cam Show Today, Movie Tomorrow

Hi Guys,

  How’s it going for ya?  Going good here.  I got alot of work done today.  Lots of monkey work I have been putting off cause it just isn’t fun.  I guess that is part of the problem with work, it isn’t always what you want to be doing when you have to do it. 

  I did get to have some fun today though.  Got to chat with some of you during cam show and of course I got to get off.  I also filmed a movie for this weeks update.  So, I got to get off twice today.  Guess that makes up for the work. haha  I am going to get the movie ready for you once you mostly all go to bed.  Didn’t want to turn the voyeur cams off in the middle of your day.  Of course now the other half of the world is not going to be thrilled with me tomorrow cause my cams will be down when they are awake. oops.

  Anyways, your new movie will be up tomorrow night for one side of the globe and tomorrow morning for the other side. )

     Kisses, Sammy

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