No april fools joke on me? hehe

hmm im suprised i havent gotten an april fools joke put on me yet today, hehe but oh well i dont really care if i dont!lol but anyways so today i actually went shopping which i havent done in a while and well i am glad i went! one of my girlfriends spent the night and she wanted me to go with her so i did and ended up coming home with like 4 bag fulls:) hehe im happy and plus i can take some of the clothes to vegas this coming weekand! omg i cant wait, but one thing that sucks is i wont be here for easter:( so ill be making that show up when i get home;) tuesday ill have my show at regular time, 5pm est. but yeah i cant wait to go party! its going to be us girls! uho hehe im sure we will have a great time! but ill be taking pics hehe with my new pink camera i got from one of my members! lots of love goes out to ya! hehe well i better get going but see ya tonight at my cam show! kisses

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